Das Buch

Short Description

Viktor is desperate to become a woman, this he already knows as a child. But the path to the goal is a challenge. The father: a professional soldier obsessed with masculinity. The mother: a weak character. The only reliable support is the resolute aunt Christa. But before the surgical transformation from Viktor into Valeska she becomes a highly paid topmodel: a better therapy than every shrink could ever give.

Valeska Réon tells her story with high drama, but always with a pinch of salt and highlights the punch line. How does she, while hiding away her ‘private parts‘ with band aid, react to the advances of men – especially when finding them extremely attractive? What to do when she, biologically still a man, is booked for a lingerie shooting? George, the fashion photographer who knows about her secret, is working with shadow and light. Light and shadow also fall on issue number one: men! She hated to be a man, but she loves them after she became a woman. But will she take men seriously in the end?

A film adaption by Austrian filmmaker Jakob M. Erwa under the title “Transmorphose“ is under way.

Order at Amazon: VALESKA RÉON - Blumen für ein Chamäleon

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